We spend a third of our lives sleeping. Why and how we sleep is what sleep science is all about. A good way to figure out why we sleep is looking at what would happen if we would stop sleeping. Not getting enough sleep would have serious consequences on our brains’ ability to function. Even more than the usual grumpiness, grogginess, irritability, and forgetfulness after pulling an all-nighter. With continuous lack of sleep, language, memory, and even sense of time start to be severely affected. In contrast, as little as seventeen hours of continued wakefulness leads to a decrease in performance comparable to an alcohol level of 0.05%. In addition, Sleep science shows that sleep-deprived humans also have trouble responding to rapidly changing situations and making rational judgments. Consequently, the reason we sleep is that our body and mind need it to function properly.
Some of us get 8 hours of sleep and are still dragging, while some wake up feeling refreshed after less than 5 hours. This begs the question: how much sleep do you really need?
In its 12-year history, the Sleep Cycle app has grown to be one of the most used sleep solutions in the world. Learn about Sleep Cycle’s evolution and where its headed.
Sleep. It’s something all of us can’t live without and the subject of endless crazy facts, contradictions and question marks. Here are some of our favorites.
In the ten years since Sleep Cycle’s founding, we’ve been on a constant growth path. Read some of our successful principles that have helped us grow each year.