Rain sounds possess a remarkable ability to calm the mind and body, making them a perfect choice for people who struggle with sleeping and falling asleep.

Why does the sound of rain make us feel sleepy, and how can we take advantage of its power using the Sleep Cycle app? This article will explore the answers to these questions and more.

Why does rain sounds make you sleepy?

There are two main reasons why rain sounds can make you sleepy:

  • Masking Background Noise: Rain sounds can mask disruptive noises like traffic or loud neighbors, creating a peaceful environment, which is conducive to sleep. Especially if you live in crowded places and cities, rain sounds can be the perfect masking noise to help you fall asleep.
  • Promoting Relaxation: The rhythmic and repetitive nature of rain sounds can help slow down the nervous system, promoting relaxation and making it easier to drift off to sleep.

Rain sounds to achieve relaxation and fall asleep faster

The sound of rain is naturally soothing due to its steady, predictable pattern. This predictability helps the brain to relax and reduces the likelihood of waking up due to sudden noises. Additionally, rain sounds can trigger a response known as the “relaxation response”, where the body’s stress levels decrease, and the mind enters a state of calm. This relaxation response can be especially helpful if you have had a stressful day or week and it can be used as a tool for slowing down and relaxing.

Here are a few reasons why rain sounds are relaxing:

  • Rhythmic Pattern: The continuous, rhythmic pattern of rain is non-threatening and predictable, which can be comforting.
  • Natural Connection: As humans, we have an inherent connection to nature, and natural sounds like rain can evoke feelings of safety and tranquility.

What type of noise is rain sounds?

Rain sounds fall into the category of pink noise. Unlike white noise, which includes all frequencies at equal intensity, pink noise has more power in the lower frequencies and less in the higher frequencies. This makes pink noise more pleasant and less harsh to the ears. Pink noise, like rain sounds, is especially effective in masking other noises and promoting better sleep.

Scientific reasons why rain makes us feel sleepy

We understood that rain has a positive effect on sleep and relaxation, but what are the scientific reasons behind this unusual sleepy feeling associated with rain?

  • Reduced Light Levels: Rainy weather often comes with overcast skies, reducing sunlight exposure. Lower light levels cause the body to produce more melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles, leading to increased sleepiness.
  • Air Pressure and Humidity: Rain reduces air pressure and increases humidity, both of which can create a more relaxed state in the body, making you feel sleepier.

How to play rain sounds on the Sleep Cycle app

The Sleep Cycle app offers a feature called Sleep Aid, accessed via the sleep tab where you set your alarm. Sleep Aid opens up a world of sleep stories for adults, relaxing guides, music and poetry, and a variety of sounds, including white noise and ambient rain sounds. The content is specifically designed to help you fall asleep without overstimulating your mind. Here’s how to access and use it:

  1. Open the Sleep Cycle App: Navigate to the sleep tab where you set your alarm.
  2. Select Sleep Aid: Choose from the wide range of relaxing guides, music, poetry, and sounds available.
  3. Choose Rain Sounds: Scroll down to “Ambience” and choose from one of the different rain sound options available to play in the background as you fall asleep.
  4. Adjust Volume: Make sure the volume is set at a comfortable level, not too loud to disturb your sleep.

You can read more about the Sleep Cycle’s Sleep Aid feature and how to use it in this article.

Explore Sleep Cycle’s and try rain sounds today!

By understanding why rain helps us sleep and how to incorporate rain sounds into your nightly routine using the Sleep Cycle app, you can improve your sleep quality and overall well-being. When you need a good night’s sleep, let the soothing sound of rain guide you into a restful slumber. Explore the Sleep Aid rain sounds library on the Sleep Cycle app and discover the perfect soundtrack for your sleep.

If you haven’t already, download the Sleep Cycle app today to explore the Sleep Aid feature to fall asleep faster and achieve high quality of sleep!


Download Sleep Cycle and get started with the Sleep Aid library today!