Sleep Cycle launches Sleep Boot Camp for business

Sleep Cycle launches Sleep Boot Camp; a sleep training program for companies, tailored for everyday use, with the goal of improving sleep and health among employees.

Sleep Cycle’s Boot Camp is a four-week long, web-based sleep program developed in collaboration with sleep researcher Frida Rångtell, Ph.D. and psychologist Li Åslund, Ph.D. Each week a new sleep-related topic is introduced and includes course material in the form of videos, articles, coaching, exercises and challenges. The program is designed so participants use the Sleep Cycle app to better understand their sleeping habits, and to track how sleep is impacted through the exercises and challenges.

Sleep Cycle’s CEO Carl Johan Hederoth says:

“At Sleep Cycle we are well aware of the health benefits of good sleep, both at home and at work. In recent years, we have seen how the focus on sleep and health has steadily increased among employers and organizations, where people have begun to pay serious attention to the benefits of investing in sleep health. Developing a sleep program for companies is completely in line with our growth strategy and is an important step in supporting employers in paying attention to sleep health among their employees. We are delighted over the interest that Sleep Boot Camp has generated and the enthusiasm that our first customers have displayed in taking on this challenge.”

Sleep has an enormous impact on both our mental and physical health as well as our ability to perform well, privately and in our working life. Increasing research highlights lost productivity and thus increased costs in the workplace due to lack of sleep. In a survey of five OECD countries, it is estimated that approximately $ 680 billion is lost each year due to lack of sleep among employees1 and a third of the US population is considered to have severe sleep disorders2. Djurgårdens IF and Polestar are among the first to undergo Sleep Boot Camp and by doing so, highlight the importance of investing in sleep health.

Linn Johansson, HR Business Partner, Polestar:

“The health of our people is our top priority. We perform better if we are healthy, and we truly care about our employees physical, mental and social well-being. We believe that sleep and recovery is not just another piece of the well-being puzzle, it’s the foundation on which all good health resides.”

Viktor Helander, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Djurgårdens IF Fotboll:

“As important as the quality of our exercise and diet is to perform optimally and keep developing, equally important is the quality of our sleep. That’s why we think it’s crucial to invest time in sleep training for our players.”

For further information, go to: or contact:

Media contacts:

Per Andersson
CFO and Head of Investor Relations
[email protected]
+46 70 939 5327

Malin Abrahamsson
Head of PR
[email protected]
+46 73 972 6424

About Sleep Cycle
With millions of active users and over 400 million nights analyzed in more than 150 countries, Sleep Cycle is the leading sleep tracker application and one of the most widely used solutions worldwide to improve sleep health. Sleep Cycle’s mission is to improve global health by empowering people to sleep better. Since its launch in 2009, Sleep Cycle has helped millions of people understand their sleeping habits and improve their sleep. Sleep Cycle is one of the world’s most comprehensive sources for statistics, frequently contributing to sleep research by collaborating with renowned universities and research facilities worldwide. Sleep Cycle is regularly featured in notable media outlets covering the product and the company’s released Sleep reports. Sleep Cycle ( is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker SLEEP. The head office is located in Gothenburg, Sweden and the company has 37 employees.

1) Rand Health Quarterly (2017)
2) Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2016)


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