Bedroom essentials for better sleep: Create a sleep sanctuary with these 7 bedroom hacks


Sleep Cycle recently launched, ‘Sleep Programs’ which has different collections of programs and guides to help improve sleep and address areas of concern related to sleep. So if you’ve worked through ‘Daytime hacks’ and tried the physical and cognitive exercises that we recommended in our ‘Relax from stress’ and ‘Relax the mind’ collections – it may be time to level up and look at the final hurdle – your bedroom.

Give your bedroom a (sleep) makeover. Try Sleep Programs free tonight

7 Bedroom essentials to create the perfect sleep environment

Sleep experts at Sleep Cycle have spent copious hours scouring scientific literature, and found the core information you need to be aware of regarding your bedroom essentials for better sleep. We provide simple hacks to pay attention to, to get those extra minutes – or even an hour – of extra sleep.

Visual representing the sleep collection "Windows"

1. Windows

This hack involves scanning your bedroom for not only light, but also sounds that seep in through your bedroom windows. Windows can on the other hand, also be useful to help adjust your room’s temperature.

Visual representing the sleep collection "Bedroom Q&A"

2. Bedroom Q&A

A quick and easy Q&A program to help you spot areas in your bedroom that could be interfering with your sleep.

Visual representing the sleep collection "Temperature"

3. Temperature

What’s the optimal temperature for a good night’s sleep? Whether you’re a hot or a cold person, going through our temperature checklist, will help create a bedroom climate that’s right for you.

Visual representing the sleep collection "Lighting"

4. Lighting

Surely you need it to be pitch dark to be able to fall asleep easily…or? Find out with this ‘enlightening’ program (see what we did there?) on light and it’s impact on your sleep and in the bedroom.

Visual representing the sleep collection "Safety & Security"

5. Safety & Security

How does our sense of safety and security affect our deep sleep, which is so critical for our physical and mental recovery? Try a reassurance exercise before heading to bed and see if it makes a difference to your sleep quality.

Visual representing the sleep collection "Pets"

6. Pets

Our beloved family members and for some, almost a security blanket in bed. But how does sleeping with pets affect our sleep? And what steps can you take to understand if your pets are impacting your sleep? Tune in to this sleep program to find out more.

Visual representing the sleep collection "Sleeping with someone"

7. Sleeping with someone

A study has found that one out of every three of our night-time awakenings is due to our bedpartner moving. This sleep program lists suggestions for you to try, to help you find the right balance for your sleep whilst maintaining the physical closeness to your partner when sharing a bed and bedroom together.

Sleep Cycle’s Head of Sleep Science, Prof. Mike Gradisar who contributed to the ‘Bedroom Hacks’ program comments on some of the highlights of the Sleep Programs.  

“Amongst many other things, we will teach people about the probability of waking up due to their bedpartner moving, and some other mini-experiments to try out – all to help contribute to longer and more restful sleep.”

So go ahead and give your bedroom a (sleep) makeover and experience the difference for yourself!

‘Sleep Programs’ is an effective tool if you’re looking to feel more rested, boost your energy levels and simply sleep and feel better. Check out other programs:

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