Sleep And Performance

How Sleep Deprivation Impacts Your Work Performance

How to manage (pre-) holiday stress at work and save your sleep
Starting your vacation with high-stress levels can impact your ability to relax, enjoy and recover during the holidays. We’ve teamed up with our Sleep Expert Li Åslund to manage holiday stress at work and keep healthy (sleep) habits ‘tis season so you can enter the holidays in jolly rather than jaded spirits.

Back to work? Get your sleep back on track!
Here’s some of our best tips to help reset your body clock after the holidays.
What are the signs of a sleep-deprived co-worker?
Just as important as it is to lead a company with a sleep-positive attitude, it is of utmost importance to be able to spot the signs of a sleep-deprived employee and co-worker. We guide you through the signs of sleep deprivation and the steps you can take to avoid accidents - or worse - at work, and at home.Successful Sleep Leadership: sleep’s impact on productive leadership & sleep habits of successful leaders
We take a closer look at the link between sleep and effective leadership and how sleep can improve leaders and their leadership style, creating a positive impact for their team and company as a result.How sleep deprivation affects work-related performance
In this article, we’ll walk you through the effects of sleep deprivation on work performance, the industries and professions that have most at stake when it comes to sleep debt and how you can contribute to change at work if you notice the signs of sleep deprivation.Sleeping on the job: Could nodding off at work increase your productivity?
Sleeping on the job can get you fired at some workplaces. At others, a powernap is encouraged to boost performance. What are the pros and cons of a workday catnap?Celebrating World Sleep Day - Sleep Cycle shares tried and tested best practices for better sleep
On World Sleep Day, we welcome the attention given to sleep, as we see firsthand how sleep can so often be neglected. Yet at the same time, we know how powerful the impact of good sleep can be when we allow ourselves to…that’s right - just sleep.Ending the cycle of work anxiety, stress and lost sleep
A good night’s sleep can help you excel at work, and a restless night can lead to an unproductive day. Experiment with these sleep tips to see what works for you.Could revenge bedtime procrastination be the reason you’re so tired?
After a long, stressful day, you may feel exhausted but somehow still find yourself unwilling to go to bed. If you're seeking out "me time" late at night, you could be engaging in revenge bedtime procrastination.How working remotely impacts sleep, and how to improve it
Working remotely offered some people more time to sleep, but for many, it disrupted schedules and hurt sleep quality. Learn how to improve your sleep while working remotely.Can sleep impact memory? A guide for working professionals
Can the quality of your sleep impact your memory? Explore the connections here, along with sleep strategies for a more productive workday.