Sleep In The US

Sleep Quality in the USA and How It Impacts Your Life

Slumber Stats: Sleep Quality Across the USA
Sleep Awareness Week® is here, and we've celebrated early by diving into the dreamy world of sleep data! So, grab on to your sleep masks because we’re about to reveal ranking and provide insights into measuring sleep quality.

These States Cough the Most During Sleep: Get real-time insights with Cough Radar
We put our groundbreaking tool, Cough Radar, to work and it gave us some fascinating insights on nightly coughing trends across the United States in December 2023.
Mr and Mrs U.S. Sleep Cycle 2022
To honor the day and mark this special occasion - Sleep Cycle has gathered fresh sleep data on how the average U.S. male and female sleep. Carry on reading to find out how we snooze in the U.S.!What we know about America’s healthiest, happiest and best-rested people
How sleep varies by age, gender and geography. What habits poor sleepers have in common, and what we know about the habits of great sleepers.