Sleep Quizzes

Quiz: Which Sleep Cycle app feature is most relevant to you?

Quiz: True or false? Can you spot the most popular sleep myths?
Exercising in the evening is not good for sleep whilst lack of sleep will pile on the pounds… All true or an old wives’ tale? Take our sleep quiz and get ready to bust some ingrained, but popular sleep myths!

Quiz: How much do you know about insomnia?
How aware are you of the condition and how much do you think you know about insomnia?
Quiz: How much do you know about sleep?
Sleep is something we have in common with all mankind and helps us ward off diseases, stay physically and mentally healthy and fit. For something so critical - how much do you know about sleep? Time to test your skills!What is your sleep chronotype?
Are you a night owl or a morning lark? Answer the questions throughout the flowchart to find out.