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Exercise of the over-allotment option in the IPO of Sleep Cycle


Göteborg, 2 July 2021

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) (”SEB” or the “Joint Global Coordinator”) has today notified Sleep Cycle AB (publ) (“Sleep Cycle” or the “Company”) and the selling shareholders (GLA Invest S A, MCGA AB, h265 AB and Petter Wallin) (the “Selling Shareholders”) that the over-allotment option has been exercised in full and that the stabilisation period has ended.

In connection with the initial public offering of Sleep Cycle and the listing of the Company’s shares on Nasdaq Stockholm on 8 June 2021 (the “Offering“), the Selling Shareholders granted the SEB an option to purchase an additional of up to 730,525 existing shares in Sleep Cycle to cover any over-allotment in connection with the Offering (the “Over-Allotment Option”), exercisable in whole or in part within 30 days after the date on which Sleep Cycle’s shares commenced trading on Nasdaq Stockholm. The Over-Allotment Option has been exercised in full.

No price stabilisation activities have been carried out since the Offering, and due to the Company’s share price performance SEB has, as stabilising manager, decided to end the stabilisation period.

Media contacts

Carl Johan Hederoth
[email protected]

Per Andersson
CFO and Head of Investor Relations
[email protected]
+46 70 939 5327

Malin Abrahamsson
Head of PR
[email protected]
+46 73 972 6424

The information was submitted for publication at 17:30 CEST on 2 July 2021.

Important information

This announcement is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy any securities of Sleep Cycle AB (publ) (the “Company”).

The contents of this announcement have been prepared by and are the sole responsibility of the Company.

The information contained in this announcement is for background purposes only and does not purport to be full or complete. No reliance may be placed by any person for any purpose on the information contained in this announcement or its accuracy, fairness or completeness.

Copies of this announcement are not being made and may not be distributed or sent into the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan or any other jurisdiction in which such distribution would be unlawful or would require registration or other measures.

Any offering of the securities referred to in this announcement will be made by means of a prospectus. This announcement is not a prospectus for the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC (together with any related implementing and delegated regulations, the “Prospectus Regulation”). Investors should not invest in any securities referred to in this announcement except on the basis of information contained in the aforementioned prospectus.

In any EEA Member State other than Sweden, this communication is only addressed to and is only directed at qualified investors in that Member State within the meaning of the Prospectus Regulation, i.e., only to investors who can receive the offer without an approved prospectus in such EEA Member State.

The securities referred to in this announcement have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and accordingly may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act and in accordance with applicable U.S. state securities laws. The Company does not intend to register any offering in the United States or to conduct a public offering of securities in the United States. Any public offering of securities to be made in the United States will be made by means of a prospectus that will contain detailed information about the Company and its management, as well as financial statements. Copies of this announcement are not being, and should not be, distributed in or sent into the United States.

The securities described herein have also not been and will not be registered under the applicable securities laws of Australia, Canada or Japan and, subject to certain exemptions, may not be offered or sold in or into or for the account or benefit of any person having a registered address in, or located or resident in Australia, Canada or Japan. There will be no public offering of the securities described herein in Australia, Canada or Japan.

In the United Kingdom this announcement is being distributed only to, and directed exclusively at, qualified investors (i) who have professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005, as amended (the “Order”) or (ii) who fall within Article 49(2)(A) to (D) of the Order; and (iii) to whom it may otherwise lawfully be communicated (all such persons together being referred to as “Relevant Persons”). This announcement and any investment or investment activity to which it relates will only be engaged in within the United Kingdom, by persons who are Relevant Persons. This announcement should not be acted on or relied on by anyone other than Relevant Persons in the United Kingdom.

Matters discussed in this announcement may constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and may be identified by words such as “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “intends,” “estimate,” “will,” “may,” “continue”, “should” and similar expressions. The forward-looking statements in this release are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions. Although the Company believes that these assumptions were reasonable when made, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond its control. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in this release by such forward-looking statements. The information, opinions and forward-looking statements contained in this announcement speak only as at its date, and are subject to change without notice. The Company does not undertake any obligation to review, update, confirm or release publicly any revisions to any forward-looking statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that arise in relation to the content of this communication.

None of the Joint Global Coordinators, the Company, the Company’s shareholders, or any of their respective affiliates, or their or their affiliates’ directors, officers, employees, advisors or agents, accepts any responsibility or liability whatsoever for or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, in relation to the truth, fairness, reasonableness, adequacy, accuracy or completeness of the information, statements or opinions, whichever their source, contained in this announcement (or whether any information has been omitted from the announcement) or any oral information provided in connection herewith, or any data it generates and accepts no responsibility, obligation or liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract or otherwise) in relation to any of such information.

In connection with the offer or sale of securities referred to herein, the Joint Global Coordinators and/or their affiliates may over allot securities/conduct stabilization or effect transactions with a view to supporting the market price of the securities at a level higher than that which might otherwise prevail. Any stabilization action or over-allotment will be conducted by the Joint Global Coordinators and/or their affiliates in accordance with all applicable laws and rules.


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