Always sleeping through your alarm? What it means to be a heavy sleeper and what you can do about it
If not even a bang could disturb your slumber, you may be a heavy sleeper. Find out why and what you can do about it.
Sleep Science Monica Garcia
We spend a third of our lives sleeping. Why and how we sleep is what sleep science is all about. A good way to figure out why we sleep is looking at what would happen if we would stop sleeping. Not getting enough sleep would have serious consequences on our brains’ ability to function. Even more than the usual grumpiness, grogginess, irritability, and forgetfulness after pulling an all-nighter. With continuous lack of sleep, language, memory, and even sense of time start to be severely affected. In contrast, as little as seventeen hours of continued wakefulness leads to a decrease in performance comparable to an alcohol level of 0.05%. In addition, Sleep science shows that sleep-deprived humans also have trouble responding to rapidly changing situations and making rational judgments. Consequently, the reason we sleep is that our body and mind need it to function properly.
If not even a bang could disturb your slumber, you may be a heavy sleeper. Find out why and what you can do about it.
Sleep Science Monica Garcia
We take a closer look at the face of sleep deprivation and what you can do to get enough ‘beauty sleep’ to look and feel your best.
Sleep Science Susanne Lindberg Mikkelsen
For this fourth and final part in our series, our Head of Sleep Science Mike Gradisar will walk us through how melatonin can be used to lessen the impact of jet lag, and take you – literally – along for his recent ride from Australia to Sweden.
Sleep Science Dr. Michael Gradisar
Cortisol (aka the stress hormone) is vital for our health and necessary for our daily performance. But what is it and how does it affect sleep? We answer your most frequently asked questions about how cortisol interferes with sleep and explore ways to stimulate healthy cortisol levels
Sleep Science Susanne Lindberg Mikkelsen
We take a closer look at the role of sleep (or lack of it) in the different phases of bipolar disorder.
Sleep Science Anju Khanna Saggi
We all know that caffeine is a stimulant that we’ve come to rely on for a little boost. So why is it that your double shot espresso sometimes has no effect and in some cases, even makes you feel sleepy?
Sleep Science Susanne Lindberg Mikkelsen
Our Head of sleep Science pits melatonin against another popular supplement that is used for sleep – magnesium. Which one is better for sleep? Figure it out here.
Sleep Science Dr. Michael Gradisar
There’s no debate that the post-lunch dip is a very real condition experienced by many of us. But why does it happen and how can we prevent it?
Sleep Science Anju Khanna Saggi
In this 2nd blog, our Head of Sleep Science, Prof Mike Gradisar, will demonstrate how melatonin can be used for an array of different issues – that are not sleep related!
Sleep Science Dr. Michael Gradisar
From removing waste products in our cells to creating new collagen in our skin, sleep helps keep our body fit and ready to take on another day. However, recent evidence has highlighted another area where getting a good night’s kip can benefit us greatly: our immune system.
Sleep Science Sophie Bishop
Welcome to our first blog of a four-part series on melatonin and sleep. In this series, our Head of Sleep Science, Dr. Michael Gradisar, provides some answers to a host of common questions about using melatonin for sleep. Confused by all the conflicting information on the internet about melatonin? Then, read on!
Sleep Science Dr. Michael Gradisar
Are you a night owl or a morning lark? Answer the questions throughout the flowchart to find out.
Sleep Quizzes, Sleep Science Anju Khanna Saggi
Dreams are something we have in common with all humans and animals, even though they can be elusive to grasp or remember once we’re awake. We took the challenge to shortlist your most frequently asked dream-related questions.
Sleep Science Anju Khanna Saggi
Polyphasic sleep might work for self-employed people or those who enjoy a more flexible lifestyle but from a practical perspective, can your schedule accommodate it?
Sleep Science Neil Clark
How astronauts sleep in the most extreme conditions Space travel…
Sleep Science Anju Khanna Saggi
Most of us are fairly well-versed with the classic definitions…
Sleep and Performance, Sleep Science Anju Khanna Saggi
There’s always someone that seems to need much less sleep…
Sleep Science Anju Khanna Saggi
Sleep and its broader impact on all parts of our…
Sleep Science Anju Khanna Saggi
Ever wondered what sleep advice a sleep expert would give…
Sleep Science Anju Khanna Saggi
As we sleep, our mind travels through different phases, each of which contributes to sleep quality. Let’s explore sleep cycles and sleep stages.
Sleep Science Maggie Schlundt