Knowing your Sleep Cycle is key when starting a relationship


Sleep has always been a fond friend of mine. I have had the great fortune of always being a good and sound sleeper — almost too good and too sound. I’ll explain: I am the perfect height for curling up into a ball and finding rest in even an economy airplane seat — score! I spent a year in college sleeping while living on the biggest party block at the No. 1 party school in the country — and yes, even with a street-facing window, I slept — score! My friends all know me as the one who can sleep anywhere, anytime, and it’s true. 

I take great pride and relief in my sleep ability, but being such a sound sleeper can be intimidating when starting a new relationship. I sleep so well that I’m not really sure what happens between my eyes closing and opening. What if I’m a black belt in karate while I sleep? What if I talk to aliens from the beyond? And, the most likely and scariest of options, what if I snore? Gasp!

Luckily, my 10-year relationship with Sleep Cycle has given me enough data to know nothing that bad happens while I sleep. I toss and turn a bit; some nights more than others. In fact, I toss and turn the least when it’s a full moon. And, sometimes, I do snore. I listen to all the recordings Sleep Cycle offers me of these sounds and, thankfully, it’s hardly snoring at all. (And I will keep listening to make sure it stays this way). Listening to these recordings informs some of my other life choices. For example, I notice that sugar and caffeine consumption affect how deep I breathe during the night. 

And eventually, when I will find myself having a sleepover with that special someone, I definitely plan to slip Sleep Cycle on my nightstand to make sure our sleep is compatible.

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