Sleep secrets of the rich and famous

Celebrities – they’re gorgeous, smart, talented and live lives much more interesting than us mere mortals. This is definitely the case when it comes to sleep – from steamy bedrooms to snoring Top Guns, join us as we pull back the curtains and take a sneak peak into the Sleep Secrets Of The Rich And Famous.
History is littered with famous examples of eccentric sleeping habits and quirky bedroom behaviour. Despite a war raging outside, Winston Churchill famously napped for two hours after lunch. When he wasn’t rebuffing the advances of his lover Josephine or planning ego-driven, ill-fated Russian campaigns, Napoleon Bonaparte could get his head down while cannonballs fizzed overhead. Even Leonardo da Vinci was an eccentric, getting by on only one and a half hours of sleep a day.
Today’s celebrities carry on this fine tradition of oddball behaviour and thanks to Twitter, Instagram and goodness knows what other platforms, those of us who are interested enjoy 24-7, no holds barred access to their lives – including how they approach the subject of sleep.
Take shy, retiring couple Kim Kardashian and Kanye West for example – some of you may have heard of them. According to ‘sources’ (the Chihuahua masseuse, we’re assuming) they shelled out a staggering $1 million on luxury beds and mattresses when they moved into their new home. How is this even possible, I hear you exclaim. Beats me too! They obviously take sleep seriously – or they have too much money. You decide.
Some call her a Diva, and rather fittingly when it comes to sleep, Mariah Carey is very much a member of the ‘more is more’ club. Mariah clocks up a staggering 15 (yes, that’s fifteen) hours of sleep per day. But it doesn’t stop there. Keeping that million-dollar voice in tiptop condition requires the liberal use of humidifiers in any bedroom where Ms Carey chooses to lay her head. As managers of luxury hotels the world over will testify, maintaining that famous five-octave range comes at a price.
Now, he’s never going to compete with Elizabeth Taylor, but when it comes to marriage, let’s just say Tom Cruise has a couple of ‘trial runs’ behind him. Far be it from us to speculate on why this is the case. However, one thing we do know is that his snoring hasn’t been the cause of any of Tom’s domestic woes. You see, when it comes to this relationship-testing issue, Mr Cruise is a bonafide, high-flying Top Gun. Hollywood insiders (presumably the same source who brought us the revelation of Kim and Kanye’s mattresses) have spoken in grave tones of a ‘snoring room’ Mr Cruise has constructed in his Malibu pied-a-terre. Featuring soundproof walls, considerate Tom uses the room to allow his partners to sleep better. Presumably it also keeps him in top condition for those lung-bursting spirits he attempts in every he’s ever been in.
Last year, the Internet went into meltdown when Transformers star and former lead singer of Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch, Mark Wahlberg revealed his rather unique daily routine. As well as featuring a toddler-friendly bedtime of 7:30 pm and a wake-up call at 2:30 am, it involved two breakfasts, two workouts, one hour of ‘work’, a round of golf, a school run and most ‘Hollywood’ of all, a session in something called a Cryochamber. Moral of the story? Seven hours works no matter when you choose to use them, even for the world’s highest paid movie star.
Last word goes to the actress Miranda Kerr, a confirmed Sleep Cycle user. Her method of ensuring a good night’s sleep? Turn on the app, turn on airplane mode in her phone and the app ensures she gets her desired seven hours, no matter where in the world she happens to be. Wise words and good on you, Ms Kerr!