Sleep Cycle appoints Professor Mike Gradisar as Head of Sleep Science
Sleep Cycle, the world’s most popular sleep solution, is excited to announce the appointment of Professor Mike Gradisar as Sleep Cycle’s new Head of Sleep Science. Professor Gradisar has previously been engaged with Sleep Cycle as a sleep expert. With his new position, Professor Gradisar will extend his engagement with Sleep Cycle and become a vital contributor within the product development team.
As Head of Sleep Science, Professor Gradisar will oversee Sleep Cycle’s scientific initiatives and contribute to developing the next generation of sleep and health products. He will be adding his expertise of clinical sleep interventions to Sleep Cycle’s upcoming sleep improvement programs. Professor Gradisar will also be vital in expanding Sleep Cycle’s offering, leveraging the power of machine learning together with Sleep Cycle’s extensive set of sleep data.
“Mike’s profound knowledge of sleep science and expertise in the field of sleep will be a great addition to the Sleep Cycle team as we continue on our mission on understanding sleep and improving it for the masses”, says Carl Johan Hederoth, Chief Executive Officer at Sleep Cycle.
The market trend of companies supporting employees’ health and wellbeing continues to stay strong. Appointing Professor Gradisar speaks to Sleep Cycle’s commitment to growing our B2B market share and a natural step as Sleep Cycle advances technologies around sleep and health. Sleep Cycle’s mission is to improve peoples’ health through better sleep and Professor Gradisar’s vast experience in this field makes this appointment a particularly exciting fit.
“For the last several years I wanted to help people sleep better on a larger
scale. With Sleep Cycle’s access to millions of active users, I feel I am closer to this goal than ever before.” says Professor Mike Gradisar.
Professor Gradisar is based in Adelaide, Australia and has been working in the area of sleep since 1998. During this time, he has conducted clinical trials, treated sleep disorders in an age span ranging from babies to adults and has led several research teams and contributed to over 125 scientific publications on sleep. Professor Gradisar has lectured at postgraduate level and is a frequent speaker at scientific conferences and sleep training workshops for health professionals.
To learn more about Sleep Cycle, visit: www.sleepcycle.com
Media contacts
Per Andersson
CFO and head of Investor Relations
[email protected]
+46 70 939 5327
Malin Abrahamsson
Head of PR
[email protected]
+46 73 972 6424
About Sleep Cycle
With millions of active users and over 400 million nights analyzed in more than 150 countries, Sleep Cycle is the leading sleep tracker application and one of the most widely used solutions worldwide to improve sleep health. Sleep Cycle’s mission is to improve global health by empowering people to sleep better. Since its launch in 2009, Sleep Cycle has helped millions of people understand their sleeping habits and improve their sleep. Sleep Cycle is one of the world’s most comprehensive sources for statistics, frequently contributing to sleep research by collaborating with renowned universities and research facilities worldwide. Sleep Cycle is regularly featured in notable media outlets covering the product and the company’s released Sleep reports. Sleep Cycle (https:// www.sleepcycle.com) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker SLEEP. The head office is located in Gothenburg, Sweden and the company has 44 employees.