Sleep Cycle Announces Strategic Move to Unify Team in Gothenburg
Sleep Cycle AB (publ), the world’s leading sleep tracking application, today announced a strategic move to enhance teamwork and boost operational efficiency. The company intends to consolidate its workforce at the Gothenburg headquarters, which would mark a decisive shift in its operational structure and position the organization to meet current challenges and eye future growth.Resolutions at Sleep Cycle’s Extraordinary General Meeting 23 November 2023
At the Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) of Sleep Cycle AB (publ) on 23 November 2023, it was resolved to implement an incentive program for the CEO of the company.The Nominating Committee at Sleep Cycle appointed
The nominating committee for Sleep Cycle AB’s Annual General Meeting 2024, has been appointed by the company's three largest shareholders, or shareholder groups, with each selecting a representative to the nominating committee.Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting in Sleep Cycle AB (publ)
The shareholders of Sleep Cycle AB (publ) (“Sleep Cycle”), reg. no. 556614-7368, are hereby invited to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) to be held on 23 November 2023 at 13:00 CET at the company’s head office, floor 20, Drakegatan 10, 412 50 Gothenburg, Sweden. Admission and registration for the EGM will begin at 12:30 CET.Sleep Cycle interim report July-September 2023: Increased operating margin and trend shift in subscription development
The third quarter in summary (July-September 2023)Invitation to presentation and Q&A of interim report July-September 2023
On the 25th of October, at 9:30 CET, Sleep Cycle will present the interim report for July-September 2023 for shareholders, media and other stakeholders. Participants will be able to follow the presentation via webcast.Erik Jivmark appointed as new CEO of Sleep Cycle AB (publ)
In agreement with the company’s board, Carl Johan Hederoth steps down as CEO of Sleep Cycle AB (publ), the global leader in the development of AI-based sleep analysis. The board has today decided to appoint Erik Jivmark as the new CEO of Sleep Cycle as of 1 November 2023.Sleep Cycle interim report April-June 2023: Increased focus on core business to drive growth
Revenues increased by 11 % in the second quarter and 1 % excluding foreign exchange effects. The growth was driven by price increases of up to 30% for new users in selected markets implemented during 2023, improving blended ARPU by 6 %, offset by a reduction in the number of subscribers of 5 % compared to last year. The number of new subscribers increased in the second quarter compared to last year, which is a reversal of the trend of the prior three quarters that all saw a decline in new subscribers. During the second quarter, an optimisation program was launched to refocus resources to drive growth in the core product, while also reducing the cost base by an expected 25 Mkr on a yearly basis, in turn increasing the adjusted EBIT margin to 30 %.Resolutions at Sleep Cycle’s Extraordinary General Meeting 2023
At the Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) of Sleep Cycle AB (publ) on 26 July 2023, it was resolved to elect Maciej Drejak as new Board member.Invitation to presentation and Q&A of interim report April-June 2023
On the 27th of July, at 9:30 CET, Sleep Cycle will present the interim report for April-June 2023 for shareholders, media and other stakeholders. Participants will be able to follow the presentation via webcast.Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting in Sleep Cycle AB (publ)
The shareholders of Sleep Cycle AB (publ) (“Sleep Cycle”), reg. no. 556614-7368, are hereby invited to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) to be held on 26 July 2023 at 14:00 CEST at the company’s head office, floor 20, Drakegatan 10, 412 50 Gothenburg, Sweden. Admission and registration for the EGM will begin at 13:30 CEST.Maciej Drejak is proposed as new Board member of Sleep Cycle
The Nomination Committee has today announced the proposal to elect Maciej Drejak as new Board member. The Board of Directors of Sleep Cycle therefore intends to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”).Sleep Cycle launches cost-efficiency measures for increased profitability and continued growth
Sleep Cycle (ticker: Sleep), market leader within sleep tracking, intends to launch several measures to increase efficiency and adjust the operation to current uncertain market climate. The cost efficiency program is to affect about ten positions, decreased investments in non-core activities and reduced marketing spending. Total savings are estimated to ca SEK 25m on full-year basis. The changes are expected to be fully implemented by the fourth quarter 2023. The impact on subscription growth is expected to be limited.Resolutions at Sleep Cycle’s Annual General Meeting 2023
At the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) of Sleep Cycle AB (publ) on 8 May 2023, the following was resolved.Sleep Cycle interim report January-March 2023: Stable growth and positive effects from price adjustments and currency
The first quarter in summary (January-March 2023)Invitation to presentation and Q&A of interim report January-March 2023
On the 27th of April, at 9:30 CET, Sleep Cycle will present the interim report for January-March 2023 for shareholders, media and other stakeholders. Participants will be able to follow the presentation via webcast.The Nomination Committee revises its proposal for election of members of the Board of Directors of Sleep Cycle ahead of the Annual General Meeting 2023
The Nomination Committee has been informed that Ödgärd Andersson declines re-election to the Board of Directors at the upcoming Annual General Meeting in Sleep Cycle due to lack of time as a result of other assignments, and the Nomination Committee therefore revises its proposal for election of members of the Board of Directors of Sleep Cycle ahead of the Annual General Meeting 2023. With an amendment to what is stated in the notice to the Annual General Meeting, the Nomination Committee thus proposes that the number of Board members should comprise of a total of four Board members to be elected by the meeting, with no deputies, and that the Board members Anne Broeng, Olof Nilsson and Rasmus Järborg should be re-elected as Board members, and Mathias Høyer shall be elected as new Board member.Notice of Annual General Meeting in Sleep Cycle AB (publ)
The shareholders of Sleep Cycle AB (publ) (“Sleep Cycle”), reg. no. 556614-7368, are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) to be held on 8 May 2023 at 10.00 CEST at Jacy’z hotel, floor 24, Drakegatan 10, 412 50 Gothenburg, Sweden. Admission and registration for the AGM will begin at 9.30 CEST.Sleep Cycle publishes Annual Report 2022
Sleep Cycle, the world’s most popular sleep tracking application, has published Annual Report 2022 for the financial year which covers January 1 to December 31, 2022.Sleep Cycle year end report 2022: Increased growth and higher margins despite macro economic uncertainties
Despite a challenging year and an uncertain environment, Sleep Cycle increased both growth and operating margin compared to the previous year. Revenue for the whole year increased by 16.6% (14.7%) to mSEK 213.3 and the adjusted operating margin amounted to 22.0% (19.9%) . Some of the highlights during the year included the launch of new features such as automatic sleep monitoring via Apple Watch, a partnership with Gympass and during the fourth quarter the launch on Huawei in China.Invitation to presentation and Q&A of year-end-report 2022
On the 10th of February, at 9:30 CET, Sleep Cycle will present the year-end-report 2022 for shareholders, media and other stakeholders. Participants will be able to follow the presentation via webcast.