The Nominating Committee at Sleep Cycle appointed
The nominating committee for Sleep Cycle AB’s Annual General Meeting 2023, has been appointed by the company's three largest shareholders, or shareholder groups, with each selecting a representative to the nominating committee.Sleep Cycle interim report July-September 2022: Continued growth, strong operating margin, and a partnership breakthrough
Despite a tough prevailing economic climate, Sleep Cycle continued to show strong performance in the third quarter. Income increased by 12.8% to SEK 55.0 million, and the operating margin totaled 24.7 (24.6)%, exceeding the long-term target of 20%. The somewhat weaker growth in income compared with prior quarters was to some extent, in addition to subscription revenue, due to compensation for engineering work from Samsung in the third quarter of 2021. Adjusted for this compensation, growth in income was 20.9%. Partnering with Gympass was a high point of the third quarter, as this quickly brought in new users in markets where we previously had a lower presence.Chairman declines re-election in Sleep Cycle
The chairman of the board of directors in Sleep Cycle AB, Lars Berg, has today informed the nomination committee that he declines re-election at the 2023 annual general meeting.Invitation to presentation and Q&A of interim report Jul-Sep 2022
On the 28th of October, at 9:30 CET, Sleep Cycle will present the interim report for July-September 2022 for shareholders, media and other stakeholders. Participants will be able to follow the presentation via webcast.Sleep Cycle partners with Gympass, making its sleep tracking platform available to millions of employees
Sleep Cycle, the market-leading sleep tracker, today announced a partnership with Gympass, the world’s largest corporate wellbeing platform, used by more than 1 million employees worldwide. With this new partnership, Gympass users will gain access to the sleep health functionality that Sleep Cycle provides.Divestment of shares
On Thursday 8 September, a total of 603 023 shares, corresponding to 3.0% of shares and votes, were divested in Sleep Cycle AB. The shares were purchased by three institutional investors, of which two already held shares in Sleep Cycle. The sellers were Sleep Cycle employees, who had subscribed for shares when a subscription warrant program from 2019 expired. Carl Johan Hederoth, Sleep Cycles CEO, was one of the sellers. In total he subscribed for 205 072 shares of which 150 000 were sold to repay loans that were taken to subscribe for shares. Before the warrant program expired, Carl Johan Hederoth held 24 500 shares. After the transaction, Carl Johan Hederoth holds 79 572 shares and 404 749 subscription warrants in Sleep Cycle.Change in number of shares and votes in Sleep Cycle
The number of shares and votes in Sleep Cycle AB (publ) have changed because of warrants being exercised as part of the warrant program 2019/2022.Sleep Cycle interim report April-June 2022 - Stable growth and strong operating margin
The positive development from the start of the year continued in the second quarter. Net sales increased by 19.0%, equivalent to an increase of 16.1% adjusted for currency effects. The operating margin increased to 24.4% thanks to effective cost control and growth in revenue. The total number of users increased but was impacted by seasonal variations and price adjustments. As anticipated, new user acquisition was only partially affected by the price adjustments, resulting in an overall higher sales value.Invitation to presentation and Q&A of interim report Apr-Jun 2022
On the 29th of July, at 9:30 CET, Sleep Cycle will present the interim report for April-June 2022 for shareholders, media and other stakeholders. Participants will be able to follow the presentation via webcast.Swedish sleep tracker platform enables automatic early detection of future covid outbreaks
Sleep Cycle, the world’s most popular sleep solution, has found a way to automatically detect symptoms that can be linked to covid outbreaks* at an early stage. With Sleep Cycle's sound-detection sleep tracking feature, it has been possible to analyze the coughing frequency during sleep in hundreds of thousands of American users during November last year. By correlating coughing with confirmed Omicron outbreaks in the United States, a direct link was found that revealed the outbreaks long before they were recorded in official statistics. As a result, this poses new opportunities to quickly identify and act on the risks of potential future outbreaks, without the need for time-consuming data collection projects.Sleep Cycle appoints Professor Mike Gradisar as Head of Sleep Science
Sleep Cycle, the world’s most popular sleep solution, is excited to announce the appointment of Professor Mike Gradisar as Sleep Cycle’s new Head of Sleep Science. Professor Gradisar has previously been engaged with Sleep Cycle as a sleep expert. With his new position, Professor Gradisar will extend his engagement with Sleep Cycle and become a vital contributor within the product development team.Resolutions at Sleep Cycle’s Annual General Meeting 2022
At the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) of Sleep Cycle AB (publ) on 10 May 2022, the following was resolved.Sleep Cycle interim report January – March 2022: Greater efficiency in marketing and continued growth resulted in improved operating margin
Net sales increased by 19.2% to SEK 50.1 million, equivalent to an increase of 21.3% adjusted for currency effects. Sales continued to increase from the previous quarter, mainly as a result of product investments that had a positive effect on the conversion rate and thereby drove new users. Greater efficiency allowed for lower investments in marketing with a sustained effect, which had positive effects on the operating margin during the quarter. The total number of users at the close of the period was 920,000, equivalent to a growth of 12.2%.Invitation to presentation and Q&A of interim report Jan-Mar 2022
On the 27th of April, at 9:30 CET, Sleep Cycle will present the interim report for January-March 2022 for shareholders, media and other stakeholders. Participants will be able to follow the presentation via webcast.Sleep Cycle publishes Annual Report 2021
Sleep Cycle, the world’s most popular sleep tracking application, has published Annual Report 2021 for the financial year which covers January 1 to December 31, 2021. The Annual Report is available on Sleep Cycles website: http://investors.sleepcycle.comNotice of Annual General Meeting in Sleep Cycle AB (publ)
The shareholders of Sleep Cycle AB (publ) (“Sleep Cycle”), reg. no. 556614-7368, are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) to be held on 10 May 2022 at 10.00 CEST at Västsvenska Handelskammaren, Parkgatan 49, 411 38 Gothenburg, Sweden. Admission and registration for the AGM will begin at 9.30 CEST.Sleep Cycle Launches ‘Auto Sleep Tracker’ for Apple Watch
Sleep Cycle, the world’s most popular sleep tracking application, today announced the launch of ‘Auto Sleep Tracker’ - a highly anticipated feature catering to a growing segment of health and tech-focused Sleep Cycle users, longing for a more seamless Apple Watch integration.Sleep Cycle app for Wear OS by Google™ featured by Android™ at MWC, Barcelona
This year, the Sleep Cycle app for Wear OS by Google is included in Android Avenue at Mobile World Congress (MWC), Barcelona. A testament to how important of a role digital health and sleep tracking plays in the world of connectivity, and an exciting highlight following the successful launch of Sleep Cycle’s Wear OS app in August last year, and Sleep Cycle being named Google Play’s 2021 Best for WearSleep Cycle year end report 2021: Increased net sales and new product launches
Net sales increased 15.0% to SEK 48.0m during the fourth quarter, corresponding to a 21.7% currency adjusted growth rate. During the quarter several new features were launched which, in combination with effective campaigns, lead to positive sales development. The total amount of subscriptions increased 14.3% to 901k. The subscription growth rate increased compared to last year (10.1%) but, due to negative foreign exchange impact, the volume growth was not fully reflected in revenues.Invitation to presentation and Q&A of the year-end report 2021
On the 15th of February, at 9:30 CET, Sleep Cycle will present the year-end report 2021 for shareholders, media and other stakeholders. Participants will be able to follow the presentation via webcast.Sleep Cycle launches ‘Sleep Goal’ in iOS to help users schedule better sleep
Sleep Cycle, the world’s most popular sleep tracking application, today announced the launch of ‘Sleep Goal’ – a new feature in iOS that helps users schedule their wake-up time and bedtime to further improve their sleep routine by setting a weekly sleep goal.