Insomnia - a basic guide: causes, risks, treatment, and more
If you’re struggling to sleep three or more days of the week, you may be suffering from insomnia. Discover the symptoms, risk factors and treatments here.Food coma: What's the deal with that sleepy feeling after eating?
There’s no debate that the post-lunch dip is a very real condition experienced by many of us. But why does it happen and how can we prevent it?Slightly later school start times equal health benefits for teens
Teens aren’t getting enough sleep.How alcohol affects sleep: All you need to know
We will walk you through common questions and misconceptions about alcohol and sleep and break down what alcohol does to the sleeping body at each sleep stage. Alcohol and sleep simply don’t mix well - read on to understand why.Mastering the art of the power nap
There are many health benefits to taking a power nap in the middle of the day. These tips will get you on your way to power napping like a pro.Back to work? Get your sleep back on track!
Here’s some of our best tips to help reset your body clock after the holidays.Is 7 hours of sleep enough? - Answering the top question “how much sleep do we really need?”
We spend up to one-third of our life asleep. But how much sleep do we really need and what defines this?Melatonin series (2): What can melatonin be used for (besides sleep)?
In this 2nd blog, our Head of Sleep Science, Prof Mike Gradisar, will demonstrate how melatonin can be used for an array of different issues – that are not sleep related!Understanding sleep paralysis: what does it really feel like? What are the risk factors?
An estimated 8% of people experience sleep paralysis at some point in their life. But what does sleep paralysis really feel like and what are the risk factors?Quiz: True or false? Can you spot the most popular sleep myths?
Exercising in the evening is not good for sleep whilst lack of sleep will pile on the pounds… All true or an old wives’ tale? Take our sleep quiz and get ready to bust some ingrained, but popular sleep myths!How to stop grinding your teeth at night naturally: 10 remedies
What can you do to stop grinding your teeth in your sleep? Here are 10 natural remedies you can try.The benefits of lucid dreaming: sleep, dream and boost your creativity
French neurologist Professor Isabelle Arnulf recently discovered that her narcolepsy patients tend to become more creative than other people while sleeping. Why? They lucid dream.Sleep & The Immune System
From removing waste products in our cells to creating new collagen in our skin, sleep helps keep our body fit and ready to take on another day. However, recent evidence has highlighted another area where getting a good night’s kip can benefit us greatly: our immune system.How to use light to reset your circadian rhythm
The sleep-wake cycle is regulated by the body’s internal 24-hour clock – the circadian rhythm. But spending too much time indoors may be disrupting it.Melatonin series (1) - Melatonin in numbers: dosage, frequency and (almost) everything you need to know
Welcome to our first blog of a four-part series on melatonin and sleep. In this series, our Head of Sleep Science, Dr. Michael Gradisar, provides some answers to a host of common questions about using melatonin for sleep. Confused by all the conflicting information on the internet about melatonin? Then, read on!How to fall asleep (and stay asleep) when it's hot - 10 useful tips
Quick fixes to make sure you keep your sleep quality high on hot nights.That voice inside your head is Kina Nyman
Kina Nyman is the fascinating voice behind some of our most popular guides and meditations. We join her for an afternoon to find out more about Kina and her voice work for Sleep Aid.Sleep paralysis - a basic guide
The scare of wakeful dreaming.Mr and Mrs U.S. Sleep Cycle 2022
To honor the day and mark this special occasion - Sleep Cycle has gathered fresh sleep data on how the average U.S. male and female sleep. Carry on reading to find out how we snooze in the U.S.!The Sleep, Cough and Omicron Correlation
A recent study at Sleep Cycle shows how our coughing data could have contributed to an early detection of the Omicron outbreak and can be used to detect future outbreaks.Social jetlag: What is it and how can it impact our health and sleep?
The condition you didn’t know you had.