Exercise and Sleep series (1) - Sleep deprivation and exercise: should you exercise if you feel run down?
You know the feeling of missing a few hours of precious sleep. That feeling of just being ‘off’. It can be downright demotivating or leave you feeling exhausted with every squat you make. But should you exercise when sleep deprived? And how do you combat sleepiness to find motivation to start exercising more?How to fall asleep when you can’t: ‘Sleep Programs’ can put your anxious thoughts to rest
Do you often find you’re tired, ready for bed, but your racing mind makes it difficult to fall asleep? The Sleep Program ‘Relax the mind’ caters to anyone who’s seeking to inform themselves on how thought patterns affect their sleep and to those that are actively seeking relaxation techniques at bedtime.Sleep problems during menopause: 3 natural remedies
Many women experience sleep problems during menopause. Before preparing for total misery until the hormonal storm has passed, we’ve got some natural ways for you to improve your sleep and quality of life through this significant time.Still tired after 8 hours of sleep? These daytime hacks can help you sleep better at night
When it comes to better sleep, there is often the common misconception that only our bedtime habits determine the outcome of our nighttime sleep. And while this is important, what tends to get overlooked is that our daytime habits can have an equally major impact on our sleep quality and sleep onset. Sleep Cycle addresses this in the latest ‘Sleep Program’ collection - ‘Daytime Hacks’.Always sleeping through your alarm? What it means to be a heavy sleeper and what you can do about it
If not even a bang could disturb your slumber, you may be a heavy sleeper. Find out why and what you can do about it.‘Relax from stress’: a sleep program addressing sleep concerns caused by stress
Introducing Sleep Cycle’s basic program on stress and emotions. A program that can be practiced at any level, providing the tools to handle stress and improve sleepFalling asleep while driving? The risks of microsleep on the road and how to prevent them
Microsleep, or nodding off momentarily, while driving is a leading cause of car crashes every year. More so than driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. But what exactly causes microsleeps and how to prevent episodes?Get with the (Sleep) Program - A science-based feature that can help train users to sleep better
If you’ve been looking for a holistic approach to sleep, ‘Sleep Programs’ combined with Sleep Cycle’s other features - is most likely just the ticket.How sleep regularity can help you fix your sleep schedule
Sleep regularity – consistent bedtime and wake-up times- is key for your new habits to stick and to fix your sleep schedule. That's why we’ve created the 60 Days of Sleep Calendar to help you create better sleep habits AND get the most out of our app.Is beauty sleep real? How lack of sleep can affect your appearance - and social life
We take a closer look at the face of sleep deprivation and what you can do to get enough ‘beauty sleep’ to look and feel your best.Sleep Cycle's ‘Statistics’: How insight into your sleep statistics can help you sleep better
At Sleep Cycle, we’re passionate about sleep analysis and sharing insights with our users to help them improve their sleep. Showing tailored and detailed trends over a length of time is crucial to get a complete picture of your sleep health.The most effective natural sleep aids: is there a magic sleep remedy?
A hot cup of chamomile tea or a warm glass of milk before bed will help you fall asleep – a misguided notion or is there actually some merit to this belief?Tech so smooth you sleep right through it - The technology that powers Sleep Cycle’s app
We walk through the technology that powers Sleep Cycle’s app, allowing millions of users to access affordable and insightful sleep monitoring from the comfort of their bedrooms, every night.10 top sleeping on a plane hacks
Create the best conditions for quality sleep and turn a good flight into a great one.How to manage (pre-) holiday stress at work and save your sleep
Starting your vacation with high-stress levels can impact your ability to relax, enjoy and recover during the holidays. We’ve teamed up with our Sleep Expert Li Åslund to manage holiday stress at work and keep healthy (sleep) habits ‘tis season so you can enter the holidays in jolly rather than jaded spirits.Why does my period make me so tired? The impact of PMS and period on sleep explained
Like sleep, menstrual cycles are natural bodily occurrences. Changes in hormones can lead to symptoms that can disrupt sleep.Sleep Goal: The ultimate tool to fix your sleep schedule
If you are looking for a feature to help fix your sleep schedule, track your progress and maintain a regular sleep routine, Sleep Goal is your new best friend.How to fall asleep faster: stop those racing thoughts at night
What’s the secret to falling asleep fast? Find out what our experts have to say, along with advice and tips from Sleep Cycle users.Sleep Cycle’s ‘Sleep Stages’ graph unlocks your sleep patterns
Unlocking sleep patterns is a powerful tool in understanding your overall health and any underlying sleep disorder.The benefits of sleeping with a weighted blanket
Weighted blankets can be beneficial for sleep. The weight hugs the body, creating a pressure that relaxes the nervous system and improves sleep quality.Sleep Cycle’s Sleep Tracking: A (bedroom) window to better sleep
Sleep Cycle’s Sleep tracking tool empowers users to take their sleep and health into their own hands.